Father: Born in 1966. Childhood and youth in Eastern Germany behind the Iron Curtain. Its narrowmindedness created a longing for an intense and independent life. 1990 move to the West. 2005 start as entrepreneur. 2014 company sold. Three years of employment with acquirer just ended. New challenges ahead.
Daughter: Born in 1999. Childhood and youth in a united Germany as a European. Its abundance of opportunities created a longing for a simpler world with lesser choice. Until 2017 already 22 countries visited, at the age of 14 a six-months-stay in Australia. Becoming school captain was the next step. Just finished school (Abitur/A-levels). Decision on studies ahead.
The two of us: To compensate for little time at home, every now and then "father days" and one big adventure: cycling tour at the (daughter-)age of twelve. 820 km in one week.
This was our second big tour.